Thursday, May 7, 2009

Project Conclusion

After researching through the many conspiracy theories behind Kennedy's assassination, our group concludes that what actually happens is a combination of things. First of all, the CIA played some role. The anger behind firings and fear of what Kennedy would do to their agency is a strong reason why the CIA could have planned an assassination. The umbrella man theory plays a part as well. The two men likely were puppets of the CIA and in some way gave a signal as to when to shoot, or possibly even fired shots themselves.

Multiple Gunman Conclusion
A study was also taken on the bullets at Texas A&M University, a organized six-member team was assembled of highly regarded profesors. They compared the composition of bullet fragments from the JFK shooting with other bullets from the same manufacturer. They figured out that the five fragments probably came from two or more bullets. This leaving the question if there more shooters other than Lee Havrey Oswald. Many of the test bullets they fired had the same chemical composition with five fragments. It doesn't show that there were multiple gunman, just that science can't prove that there was a single gunman.

Multiple Gunmen Anlaysis

National Academy of Sciences wrote up new guidelines for proper bullet-lead analysis and statistical procedures, stating that past techniques were flawed and not accurate. Researchers went back to look at the old bullet fragments found in Kennedy. “Further, we found that one of the 30 bullets analyzed in our study also compositionally matched one of the fragments from the assassination analyzed by Dr. Guinn,” (Bryner 1). The results reveal that Guinn’s matches can not be the same coming from the same rifle or even the same box of bullets that Oswald bought. This opens the possibility that another gunman shot and hit Kennedy from a different location. Also, it would have been tough for Oswald to reload with the rifle that he had fast enough to shot him again.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Multiple Gunmen 1
Some people believe that there was more than one gunman that shot Kennedy. The facts known in the case are that there were multiple bullet fragments found in President Kennedy. He got shot once in the neck/back, and he took one in the throat that finished him. The wife of President Kennedy tried to jump out and leave but couldn't escape. Also, the man in front of Kennedy was Governor John Connally and he got shot in the shoulder. The question is, did Lee Harvey Oswald have another shooter with him to kill Kennedy? In 1963, they didn't have the technology to accurately compare the fragments in his body. The evidence that ruled out the second shooter could have been flawed. Now they have the technology to go back and look at the film and evidence that were collected from the shooting.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Umbrella Men: Hidden Gunmen

The Hidden Gunmen Theory is the most supported of the two Umbrella man theories. This theory states that 
both men signaled for the concealed  gunmen to fire, and possibly that more shots were needed. It has been reported that the umbrella man raised, and lowered his umbrella during the passing of the motorcade. Simultaneously, the man standing adjacent to him raised his arm in the air and could have possibly made a fist. These actions alone could have been the signal to open fire. They could have also been a signal as to which shooter was to take the shot. After the shooting took place, these two men also acted strangely. They did not seem to be surprised by the shooting at all. Instead of panicking like the rest of the crowd that day, the two men calmly sat near the sidewalk. Jim Towner took a photograph clearly showing the placidity of the men after witnessing one of the most devastating tragedies that ever happened to this country. Before leaving, the man standing next to the Umbrella Man was seen raising what seemed to be a radio to his head. Photographs have been recorded depicting an antenna-like device held to his face. A split second later, they were lost to the pages of history. 

Umbrella Men: Dart Gun

The Zapruder Film clearly depicts a man holding an open umbrella as the presidential motorcade passes by. Due to the clear Texas weather at that time, their was no apparent need for such umbrella. This lead assassination researchers to yet another theory. This new theory states that the umbrella may have been a CIA developed dart gun. In 1957, a CIA weapons developer testified to the accuracy of this fact (
Marrs 1). His statements included a description of the object as resembling the shape of an umbrella. It was then fired silently when opened. The umbrella man was one of the closest spectators to President Kennedy at the time the shots were fired. He was also reported to have raised, and lowered the device during the passing of the motorcade. Furthermore, while the shootings were taking place, Kennedy was mot moving as much as a normal gun shot victim would. These actions are consistent with those that would result from the Umbrella dart gun. 

Umbrella Men: Introduction

The two men involved in the Umbrella Man Theory were the most suspiciously acting eyewitnesses to the murder of John F. Kennedy. Their are two main theories pertaining to the abnormal actions of those two men. The first theory, and most supported by the vast majority of assassination researchers, proclaims that both men signaled for the concealed gunmen to fire. The second theory behind Kennedy's assassination promotes the usage of a dart-firing weapon which was disguised as an ordinary umbrella. Although these theories have not been confirmed, the actions of the men before and after the shooting have been carefully documented and approved.

This photograph shows the umbrella Man (right) and the dark-complected man (left)

Government Influence-Cubans
During his presidency, Kennedy went after Cuba hard with the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Since Cuba was left out of the loop during the Missile Crisis and it involved their own country, that could have caused some resentment to build up. Also the order to murder Kennedy may have been sent straight from Fidel Castro, who may have felt he was in a kill or be killed situation with Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs and the possibility of getting bombed during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Since he could have viewed these as attempts on his own life and an attempt to end his communist regime, Castro went after Kennedy and the strongest threat to communism in the world.

Government Influence-CIA
After the embarrassment of the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, Kennedy fired many CIA workers. Among them was Allen Dulles, who was the director of the CIA, he went on to serve on the Warren Commission. Dulles may have played a key role in a possible cover up. The CIA was pro Bay of Pigs and afterward there was fear that Kennedy would reduce the involvement of the CIA in affairs with Cuba because the Bay of Pigs was such a failure. The firings built up resentment toward Kennedy with in the CIA although it may not be enough resentment to kill, it is a strong possibility. Also the CIA theory piggy backs on the Umbrella Man theory because,"Throughout the planning of the Bay of Pigs invasion, the CIA promised an 'umbrella' air protection of the invaders. Kennedy refused to authorize this military support. Therefore, the man with the open umbrella symbolized the promise of an air-support 'umbrella'" (Marrs 1).

Government Influence-Introduction
Despite his popularity among a large majority of the American Public, President Kennedy was not always the most popular politician within his own government and around the world. At the center of the government conspiracy theory is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Another possible political motive behind Kennedy's assassination is connected to Cuba, a communist nation. Just like nearly every American president before him, Kennedy was very anti communist.

The Single Bullet Theory : Wounds
Kennedy and Connally suffered from the same one bullet. Kennedy's body had two wounds, one in the upper back/neck, and one in the throat. Connally had wounds in his back, rib, chest, right inner wrist and outer wrist, and left thigh. These wounds lead to death and the legend of the assassination of President Kennedy. Supposedly, there was no bullet found in Kennedy or Connally's body during the autopsy.

The Single Bullet Theory : Bullet
The magic bullet is also known as the "pristine" bullet. The bullet was bent laterally and distorted at the base, so that it squeezed out like a tube of toothpaste. The CE 399 is claimed to have caused seven wounds on Kennedy and Connally. This bullet had not been found for while, but mysteriously, it appeared later in the Parkland Memorial Hospital. There, it can be found in almost pristine condition.

The Single Bullet Theory: Introduction
The famous Single Bullet Theory says that a bullet, shot by Lee Harvey Oswald from the Texas Schoolbook Depository, hit both Kennedy and Connally in a matter of seconds. After Kennedy suffered the effects of the shot, Connally started experiencing his pain as well. Many believe this to be impossible, but scientific data proves that it can be achieved. When considering geometry, a shot from any of the buildings at the scene can enter the car at a downward angle and cause the same effect that it had on Kennedy and Connally with only one bullet. This is the theory accepted by the Warren Commission.

Monday, May 4, 2009

JFK Assassination Introduction,0.jpg

On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy arrived in Dallas, Texas. President Kennedy, accompanied by his wife, John Connally Governor of Texas, and the Governor's wife, proceeded to take a motorcade through down town Dallas. Kennedy was assassinated and the Warren Commission decided that, Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin. The Commission seemingly ignored numerous facts. This lead many to wonder, what actually caused Kennedy's assassination? This continues to be one of histories greatest unsolved mysteries.